Stacey Fay Designs
Wax Seals Get a New Look!
My wax seal jewelry line - necklaces that hold charms crafted from genuine antique stamps - remains among my most loved and bestselling jewelry that I sell.  Whether it's their symbolism, delicate nature or intricate detail, there are seals which speak to every person.
Recently, I worked with Leave It To Me Photography to help capture the seals' essence and appeal through gorgeous photos, many of new pieces in the line. We chose earthy and ethereal amethyst quartz for the backdrop.
[caption id="attachment_5028" align="alignnone" width="200"] "With All Thy Faults I Love Thee Still" - perfect as a self-love talisman or a unique expression of love for another[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_4843" align="alignnone" width="300"] "Finem Respice" - Latin for "Consider the End" with an urn. A modern day memento mori piece.[/caption]
Often my wax seal necklaces, given the age of the stamps that make them, can have historical meanings, such as seals focused on the mourning jewelry craze of the Victorian era, or ones that have weirdly sentimental phrases. Or sometimes the seals are just classic, with images or words that stand the romantic test of time. Flowers often convey specific meanings as well.
[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] L'amour - love in French - with a wilting flower, symbolic of love eternal.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_4840" align="alignnone" width="200"] As classic as classic gets - a rose wax seal necklace[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5019" align="alignnone" width="300"] A clematis flower seal, symbolic of mental beauty and art[/caption]
In many cases, and also in line with the Victorian way of life, stamps that sealed letters would speak to a common and prevalent issue - death.  Victorians weren't shy about talking about death, and there were many Victorian art forms, small and large, which kept the reminder of death front and center.
[caption id="attachment_4834" align="alignnone" width="300"] "Tho Lost to Sight to Memory Dear" says it all.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_4837" align="alignleft" width="200"] A forget-me-not-flower, the ultimate expression of everlasting love beyond death[/caption]
There are many more seals, which will be featured on the blog in the future. See this website and our Etsy shop for all of our wax seal necklaces. Which piece speaks to you the most?